The Holz & Stein needles and hooks received really positive feedback at the show - they truly do seem to be known as the highest quality wooden needles and hooks there are. Project bags, hook and needle wraps went like hot cakes and I have been busy getting the bits and bobs together to start making the next batch. These will be on line in time for Christmas.
The cushion collection was a big hit too and we have been staggered by the amount of people who have been on line and downloaded a pattern over the past few days. We are hoping to update the collection regularly with new designs and are already working on a new cushion idea which should be ready soon....
It was really great to meet so many members of the crochet club and good to hear that many of you are looking forward to starting the project in January. The registration form for the 2012 club is now on the web site if any of you want to go ahead and register. I have decided to offer another 50 places to those people who are already on the waiting list for 2011 and am just waiting to be sure that the lovely people at Rowan can supply the yarn before getting in touch with them all. Hopefully I should be in a position to offer the remaining places within the next few weeks.
Please bare with us while the web site is being updated and look out for all the new products we have in store for you.