Saturday, 14 July 2007

Felt Your Knitting

Felting knitwear is something I have done many times by mistake, but it’s quite a different feeling when you do it intentionally and get the results you want!

There are many yarns in the current Rowan range which felt beautifully when machine washed. Country, Tapestry, The Scottish Tweed Family, Big Wool and Little Big Wool all shrink beautifully!
A good tip when looking for yarns to felt is to search for yarns with at least a 70% wool content that ask you to hand wash only. Be careful because yarns which have high wool content, but suggest machine washing have often been pre treated with silicone and therefore resist the felting process.

Above is a picture of the bag I started on Wednesday when I tutored a ‘Felt your knitting’ workshop @ Shipston Needlecraft in Warwickshire.
Jan and David Cohen own two lovely Needlecraft and Knitting shops, the other being in Burford. They stock a huge range of embroidery, tapestry and knitting supplies, plus beads, buttons, ribbons and craft kits.
At Shipston they have a dedicated workshop room and run a knitting café every other Thursday.